Embrace Reality

Hey this social media thing has changed yoga teachers into celebrities and teaching yoga into a popularity contest. This is so opposite to what yoga is about, so I have my doubts and discomfort with it at times.

Having established my career before social media, I find that sm is an add-on that I don’t always welcome. It is complex, time consuming and sometimes annoying to navigate. Seriously, we (older generation yoga teachers) did not have to consider how to project ourselves into the internet back then. So many of us are still trying to figure it out.

But these are the times we now live in. A tantric approach would be to embrace reality, get to know it well, and through those insights understand how to have a life-affirming relationship with it.

I highly value the “instantaneous” connection and communication made so available to us through this medium. So I will continue to develop my relationship to social media. What do you appreciate about our possibility to be connected here?

So if I am to embrace these times, this new reality, how can I join in, contribute and use my voice to share ideas that are helpful, inspiring, informative or motivating?

How can I share my thoughts and ideas without appearing narcissistic and overly-obsessed with my own importance?

How can I post photos and videos that “look good” without creating pressure for students and colleagues that we all have to look and perform in a certain way or be high performance athletes. Then there is the whole subject of body image and worthiness that can come up (which is why I feel strongly that especially yoga teachers should be mindful when it comes to semi-naked, sexy shots – there is something to be said for maintaining a little modesty – or does that make me sound like a prude?!).

I highly value the “instantaneous” connection and communication made so available to us through this medium. So I will continue to develop my relationship to social media. What do you appreciate about our possibility to be connected here?

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Thank you @yongsubi for this beautiful shot at @woerthersee_yoga last year.

Evolution of Downward Dog

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