We are all in this together

This is one of those moments when life calls on us strongly to make use of the inner resources we have cultivated with our spiritual practice. Now you have the opportunity not only to practise being present, courageous, kind and peaceful but actually to BE a model of presence, courage, kindness and peace.

External circumstances are forcing us to withdraw inside ourselves. By moving away from social engagement and entering a more introverted space, we have the opportunity to find answers from within to address many of our personal issues and, perhaps more importantly, we will also find a new perspective on some of our shared, universal issues.

I strongly believe that we are in a process of collective transformation. This is going to be hard work but is also very exciting. I envision that in 10 years we will look back and recognise that during this crisis the seeds were sewn for positive changes for humanity and our planet.

Perhaps like me, you are able to welcome slowing down and staying home. At the same time because it is enforced, I sense the loneliness of isolation. The lack of freedom, though temporary, is not only physically restrictive but also psychologically oppressive. So what can we do?!

First of all: stay healthy and do good things for your immune system. Follow all the cautionary recommendations. They are easy to manage and if we all comply, we can get back on track with our lives sooner than later.

Please see my recommendations 10 actions to keep your spirits up in challenging times.

If you are a yoga teacher, you may find that you now have more time to be at home and study. But perhaps you don’t want to study alone. I invite you to read about my Mentoring Program. We start on the 1st of April and I am now offering 3 spots with a special payment plan to support those teachers who would love to join us but due to the current uncertainty of income need more flexibility. Apply today if you would like to jump in and join us!

Much Love,

Wir stecken alle gemeinsam in dieser Situation
10 actions to keep your spirits up in challenging times

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